Laboratory for Extreme Mechanics & Additive Manufacturing
Zou's Research Group | Department of Material Science and Engineering

June 2023| Professor Zou wins the MetSco Brimacombe Award
The MetSoc Brimacombe Award recognizes early-career MetSoc member achievers who have made noteworthy contributions in disciplines relevant to Materials and Metallurgy!

September 2021| Haoxiu and Michel visited Canadian Light Source (CLS) for experiments!
What an experience!

July 2021| Michel was awarded the prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

March 31, 2020| Prof. Zou has been awarded New Frontiers in Research Fund 2019 Exploration Competition, which will support his high-risk, high-reward, interdisciplinary research on "Design of next-generation biomedical implant materials"

March18, 2020| Michel and Changjun has a review paper published in Journal of Materials Research (JMR) https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2020.33

March 16, 2020| Dr. Xin Chu has joined our group as a postdoctoral fellow, who will work on laser welding, 3D printing and cold spray!
Welcome, Xin!

March, 2020. Prof. Zou was awarded a NSERC-CRD grant to develop new high-entropy alloys (HEAs).

March, 2020. Prof. Zou was awarded a two-year seed fund from the Centre for Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering (CARTE), FASE, U of T, to develop self-driving additive manufacturing system (AI+AM) with Prof. G. Lee (MIE). Looking forward to the collaboration!

February, 2020. Prof. Zou received "Outstanding reviewer award from Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia 2019"

February 23-27, 2020 | Michel and Zhiying presented their research in the TMS 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA!
Well done!

February, 2020. Prof. Zou was awarded a NRC-UofT joint fund (CC-CEM) to work with Dr. K.S. Kim (NRC) to develop develop next-generation catalysts through novel alloying.

January, 2020. Many graduate students in Prof. Zou's group have received Canadian, U of T, or other awards and scholarships: Michel and Hao Kun - Ontario Graduate Scholarship; Zhiying - Wallberg Scholarship; Changjun - Haultain Scholarship; Haoxiu - US Steel Scholarship; Jiahui - Sustech Scholarship. Congratulations!